Frequently Asked Questions
Yes. The ONLY way to have a mugshot removed after being arrested, is to bring a Court Order signed by a Judge to the Sheriff's Office to have it removed.
Yes, there is a $2.00 charge for each booking intake sheet.
No, we only provide background checks for other agencies. You may contact the Arkansas State Police at (501) 618-8500 regarding individual background checks.
Monday thru Thursday, 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM
Friday, 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
Unit 1: (501) 450-4914, then press 3.
Unit 2: (501) 328-4160
For more information about our Detention Center, section the Jail tab on the home page.
Yes, contact our Civil Service Department at (501) 450-4914, press 9, for additional information and fees associated with this service.
Rights and Responsibilities
of Victims of Crimes
Your Rights:
For a complete list of Victim’s Rights visit:
If you do not have access to the internet, a copy may be requested through your local law enforcement agency or prosecutor’s office.
You MUST request these rights:
- You have a right to privacy while in all medical facilities and while seeking medical attention.
- You have a right to petition the court for an Order of Protection.
- You have a right to request the court keep your physical address and personal telephone number confidential.
- You have a right to your own attorney during all court proceedings.
- You have a right to notice of all court proceedings.
- You have a right to contact the Prosecutor’s Victim’s Witness Coordinator.
- You have a right to be present at all hearings where the defendant is present.
- You have a right to responsible protection before, during, and after all court proceedings.
- If available, you have the right to be provided a separate waiting area before, during and after all court proceedings.
- In criminal proceedings, you have a right to request restitution be sought through the prosecutor’s office.
- You have a right to provide a Victim Impact Statement at the sentencing hearing (ACIC)
- You have the right to be notified on the status of the alleged or convicted offender (Arkansas Vinelink).
- You have a right to be provided with an interpreter during all court proceedings.
- If the victim is a minor, incapacitated, or deceased, a member of the victim’s family may exercise these rights.
Through exercising these rights, you may find healing. You are not alone. If you are being abused, help is near. You are not alone. If you are being abused, help is near.
As a victim, you may experience the following:
- Shock, disbelief, numbness
- Change of appetite
- Change in sleep patterns
- Guilt, shame and/or self blame
- Anxiety/depression
- Reliving traumatic event (unwanted memories of event)
- Anger
- Difficulty concentrating
- Fatigue
Plan for Safety
- Develop a code that will alert a neighbor/friend to call the police.
- Have a bag packed with a change of clothes, important papers, spare keys, cell phone, and cash.
- In an emergency, call 911.
Your Responsibilities
- Visit ACIC for a complete list of victim information.
- Keep a complete and accurate accounting of all expenses related to the crime.
- Provide law enforcement with up-to-date contact information.
- Victim’s rights are not automatically granted - request the rights you want exercised.
- Cooperate with the investigation.
Crime Victims Reparations Board Help for Crime Victims
An innocent victim of a violent crime (including DWI) may qualify for financial help from the Crime Victims’ Reparations Board. This money may help pay for medical expenses or other costs related to personal injuries that were caused by violent crime.
You may qualify for assistance if:
- The crime was reported to law enforcement within 72 hours
- An application for assistance is received within one (1) year of the date of the crime
- The victim cooperates with the investigation
- The victim did not contribute to the crime
For more information contact your victim witness coordinator or:
Office of the Attorney General Tim Griffin
Tower Building, 323 Center Street
Little Rock, AR 72201
(501) 682-1020 or (800) 448-3014
Hotline Centers for Healing hearts and Spirits
(800) 643–5748
Domestic Violence
(800) 269-4668
Child Abuse and Neglect
(800) 482-5964
Adult Abuse
(800) 643-5748
Rape Crisis Program
(855) 643-5748
Human Trafficking
(888) 373-7888
Arkansas Coalition Against Domestic Violence
(501) 907-5612
Bethlehem House
(501) 329-4862
Rise House
(501) 329-7405 or (866) 358-2265
For victim assistance call:
Faulkner County Victim Services
(501) 450-3051
Access Corrections Secure Deposits is the fastest, most convenient way to deposit funds into your loved one's account! Send money with your Visa or MasterCard using one of the following options:
- Smart Device: Download our Android or iOS app: Access Corrections
- Online: The app and online options offer the lowest handling charge!
- Toll-free Telephone: 866-345-1884. Call 24/7 to speak with a bilingual representative.
- Lobby Kiosk: Easy to use and accepts cash
**Note: If the wrong inmate name is selected, our staff may not be able to get the money applied to the correct account**
Faulkner County Detention Center now offers Video Visitation for detainees in both Unit I and Unit II.
You can easily set up a Video Visitation account by going to
Effective April 1, 2020, other than legal mail and media requests, the Faulkner County Detention Center will no longer accept detainee mail into our facility.
This change was made to reduce the introduction of contraband into our facility through the mail system, which makes the detention environment safer for our staff and detainees. For more information, see the attached poster.
The new address to send detainee mail is:
Jail - Faulkner County Jail
Inmate ID#, Inmate Full Name
500 Amity Rd, Ste 5B PMB 53
Conway, AR 72032
Correct Solutions Group:
Faulkner County Sheriff's Office
Facility ID Number is 24096
You Must : Register Before You Can Deposit
- PrePaid Calling (Your Phone Number)
- Inmate Debit (Inmate can call anyone)
*Prepaid and Inmate Debit are available immediately after deposit
You can also make deposits by using any of these methods:
- Kiosk: Located in the Jail Lobbies
- Online:
- Mobile Apps:
Iphone-(IOS) Available on Apple Stone
Android-Available on Google Play Store
*Go to the applicable store for the device you have ans search on Correct Solutions
- Telephone: 1-877-618-3516
The Front Office is open from Monday through Thursday, 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM and Friday 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
There is a $2.00 fee per Incident Report and $10.00 fee per Accident Report.
For more information contact the Front Office at (501) 450-4914, press 7.
Due to the potential for damages to vehicles, the Sheriff's Office will not open locked vehicles. A locksmith is your best alternative.
However, if a child has locked themselves in a vehicle, and this is a true emergency due to the severe heat or other safety concerns.
The Sheriff's Office and/or Fire Department will respond and open the vehicle any way possible, even by breaking out the window if necessary.
Yes. Calls to 911 on a cell phone are free, but unlike landline phones we cannot tell where you are calling from.
Be prepared to give your location, direction of travel, and a description of both cars. Your safety is of utmost importance to us. Do not pursue the drunk driver or in any way place yourself in danger.
You can get fingerprinted at the following location on Thursdays and Saturdays between 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM.
Faulkner County Sheriff's Office
Detention Center Unit 2
500 South German Lane
Conway, AR
You must bring a photo identification card and a fingerprint card provided by the company or agency making the request for you to be fingerprinted.
The fee for this service is $10.00 per fingerprint card payable in cash or with a money order.
You should contact your local law enforcement agency and ask to be contacted by law enforcement personnel.
Eviction is a legal process that often times requires a court order.
For more information, contact our Civil Process at (501) 450-4914, press 9.
The Sheriff's Office depends on citizens calling to report crimes or suspicious activity.
If it is an emergency, dial 911. For non-emergencies, please call (501) 328-5906. The dispatcher who takes your call will ask questions about the activity to determine it's nature and ask for descriptions of the people involved. You will be asked if a deputy may contact you.
Answer: Click here to download the FOIA form, and email your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to
The Sheriff's Office does not issue concealed handgun permits. You may contact the Arkansas State Police at for more information.
If it is an emergency, dial 911. For non-emergencies, call (501) 328-5906. The dispatcher who takes your call will ask questions about the activity to determine it's nature and ask for descriptions of the people involved.
A deputy may take the incident report over the phone or will come to your address.
The Sheriff's Office can only have vehicles towed that are on public property. Call a wrecker service in your area and the vehicle will be towed away at no expense to you. The wrecker service will notify the owners once they have determined ownership.